Nostalgic Cinema

Mexican Bus Ride (1952)

Mexican Bus Ride (Mexico, 1952) 84 min B&W DIR: Luis Buñuel. PROD: Manuel Altolaguirre, María Luisa Gómez Mena. SCR: Manuel Altolaguirre, Luis Buñuel. MUSIC: Gustavo Pittaluga. DOP: Alex Phillips. CAST: Lilia Prado, Esteban Márquez, Luis Aceves Castañeda, Manuel Dondé, Roberto Cobo, Beatriz Ramos. (Producciones Isla S.A.)

Mexican Bus Ride is a pleasant comedy-drama about a young man who must travel to the nearby town via a rickety bus in order to get his dying mother’s last will. This film’s structure is comparable with his later, Oscar-winning The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie. Both concern people’s quests being constantly frustrated due to numerous obstacles. This slight comedy features such stock characters as the ubiquitous tramp girl, and an eccentric bus driver with an Oedipus complex. It is likeable, but forgettable. The greatest moment occurs near the end when a wild twist of fate reveals that the poor man never had to take the trip at all! Buñuel must have grinned mischieviously at that turning point.